

One of the responsibilities of any institution offering a graduate degree in music is to ascertain that entering students have an undergraduate level of competence in music history and theory. To that end, diagnostic examinations are administered prior to the first semester of graduate study. If, on the basis of those examinations, deficiencies are noted, remedial course work is assigned. 因为这些课程不计入你的学位, 考试取得好成绩是很重要的.

This study guide is intended to help you prepare for the examinations, 它列出了作曲家, 条款, and styles covered in standard undergraduate music history courses, and concepts and skills common to undergraduate theory training. 因此, 它可以被看作是一种广泛的记忆援助, 回忆起你已经知道的事情. The following comments are offered as suggestions on how to use the guide.


The history exam includes questions on composers, 条款, and representative repertory. 对学生进行适合每个时期的术语测试, basic knowledge of composers and their styles/contributions to the repertory, 形式和体裁, 主要概念和思想, and representative repertory and characteristics from all periods of western art music.



如何准备爵士历史考试: 建议学生从2开始学习nd edition of 爵士乐 by Scott DeVeaux and Gary Giddins (New York: W. W. 诺顿,2015).

考试说明: The exam includes a combination of fill-in-the-blanks questions, 匹配, 多项选择题, 多重答案, 听的例子, 文本问题(要点或短文). 考试内容如下:

  • 考试题目:
  • Significant historical, cultural, and technological developments impacted the development of jazz
  • 爵士乐的风格和时代, 包括传统/新奥尔良/迪克西兰爵士乐, 摇摆/大乐队时代, 比波普爵士乐, 硬防喷器, 冷爵士乐, 模态爵士乐, 自由爵士乐/前卫, 融合, 当地人接受, 巴萨诺瓦
  • 爵士乐的常见形式
  • 伟大的美国歌曲集
  • 节奏部分的乐器和他们的角色
  • 常见的爵士乐术语(如.g.负责人)


朱利安·“炮弹”·阿德利, 路易斯·阿姆斯特朗, 贝西, 艺术。艾特, 肯尼克拉克, Ornette科尔曼, 约翰·柯川, 迈尔斯·戴维斯, 艾灵顿公爵, 比尔埃文斯, Ella Fitzgerald, 迪兹·吉莱斯皮, 赫比·汉考克, 海恩斯伯爵, 比莉·哈乐黛, 詹姆斯P. 约翰逊, 乔琼斯, Antônio Carlos Jobim, 梅尔·刘易斯, Wynton Marsalis, 汉克•莫布里, 赛罗尼斯-蒙克, 韦斯·蒙哥马利, 杰里·罗尔·莫顿, 马克斯·罗奇, 桑尼•罗林斯, 查理·帕克, 巴德·鲍威尔, Chano博罗, 韦恩宿他, 弗兰克·西纳特拉, 塞西尔•泰勒, 雪松沃尔顿, 玛丽·露·威廉姆斯.


计划参加考试的学生请发邮件 Dr. 锡德拉湾劳伦斯 查阅学习资料.


The theory section is divided into five parts: 1) Part Writing; 2) 分析; 3) Form; 4) 对位法; 5) 二十世纪的技术. 首先, 能够证明, 以书面形式, 建议的声音引导, 部分写作和低音技巧. 对于其他部分, be able to identify items when you see them in musical excerpts, and be able to provide appropriate analyses of given musical examples.



  1. Part-writing

    Two-chord examples and figured bass realization that includes chromatic chords (secondary dominants, 次导音, 调式混合/借来的和弦, 那不勒斯六和弦和增六和弦). Writing in four-part choral style (SATB) using traditional 18th-century voice leading.
  2. 分析

    半音和弦(如上所列), 调制, 非和弦音调(非谐音)和抑扬类型.
  3. Form

    识别和标记短语结构(句点), 短语组, double periods); tonal areas; concepts associated with simple binary, 圆形的二进制, 简单的三元和奏鸣曲快板形式.
  4. 对位法

    识别, 在乐谱中, contrapuntal techniques and elements pertaining to baroque inventions and fugues (real and tonal imitation, 提前进入, 佳能, 反演, 增加, dimunition, countersubject, 回答, 集, 序列, 动机, counter动机).
  5. 二十世纪的技术

    Analyze the following in musical excerpts: Tonality (centricity, neotonality, 无调性, 多调性, pandiatonicism); Harmonic structures (secundal, 隔日的扩展, quartal, 公担, added-note and polychords); Scale structures (pentatonic, 模态, 整个, octatonic and other synthetic scales); Rhythmic/metric techniques (polymeter, 添加剂的节奏, 复杂的计, 速度调制, 切分音, asymmetrical meter); Set-theory analysis (pitch-class set, 间隔类, 范式/订单, 换位, 反演, prime form); Twelve-tone (row forms, hexachoral combinatoriality)

Sample questions from parts one and two are provided in a PDF below. Parts 3, 4 and 5 involve analysis of musical examples such as:

第III部表格. Mozart, Piano Sonata K 309 (I), K 333 (I); Beethoven, Op. 2, No. 1 (I)
第四部分,对位. Bach, Two-Part Inventions; Bach, Fugues from WTC, Book I.
第五部分,20世纪的技术. 音乐德彪西,Bartók,斯特拉文斯基,韦伯恩,伯格.


奥尔德威尔,爱德华,卡尔·沙克特和艾伦·卡德瓦拉德. 和声与引声,第5版(波士顿:圣哲出版社,2019). ISBN # 9781337560573. 也请参阅随附的工作簿.

克伦丁尼,简·派珀和伊丽莎白·韦斯特·马文. 《博天堂官方网站》,
第四版(纽约:WW Norton, 2020). ISBN # 978-0-393-44240-3. 也请参阅随附的练习册和选集.

科斯特卡,斯特凡,多萝西·佩恩和拜伦·阿尔姆萨姆. 色调和谐,第8版(纽约:麦格劳出版社)
希尔,2018). ISBN #9781259447099(教科书). 也请参阅随附的工作簿.

Benward, Bruce和Marilyn Saker. 音乐理论与实践,第10版,卷. 1和2
(纽约:麦格劳-希尔出版社,2021年). Isbn10: 1260055825 | isbn13: 9781260055825 

绿色,道格拉斯. 调性音乐的形式,第二版(纽约:霍尔特,莱因哈特和温斯顿,
1979). ISBN # 978 - 0030202865.

Roig-Francolí,米格尔A. 理解后调性音乐,第二版(纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2021年). ISBN # 9780367355357.

Kostka, Stefan和Matthew Santa. 后调性音乐的材料与技巧,第5版(Routledge出版社,2018). ISBN 9781315229485

Laitz, Steven和Michael Callahan. 完整的音乐家, 5th edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023) ISBN: 9780190924508


Policy for Entrance Tests and Re-tests in 音乐的历史/Literature and 音乐理论

  1. All entering graduate students must take tests in music history/literature and music theory before beginning their graduate work. 这条规则没有例外.
  2. These tests are normally taken online during the summer before matriculation and are usually due on or around August 1. 学生 who enter the graduate program in January or in the summer must take the tests before enrolling in classes.
  3. 学生 who pass these tests may enroll in graduate musicology and theory courses without restriction.
  4. 学生 who fail part or all of these tests have two options:
    1. 学生可以参加补习课程来弥补不足. MuCT 5060 is required of those who fail the theory test; MuCT 5070 and/or MuCT 5080 are required of those who fail one or both portions of the history test.
    2. 学生 may elect to take re-tests in the areas of deficiency. Re-tests are given in the last week of September or the first week of October during the first semester of study, 取决于秋季学期的日历. 这些复试只能进行一次. 学生 who pass the re-tests are permitted to enroll in graduate musicology and/or theory courses without restriction. 学生 who fail the re-tests MUST take the appropriate remedial courses.
  5. 学生 who fail most of the tests may wish to balance independent study with remedial course work. 因此, 一个学生, 在历史测试的基础上, 需要MuCT 5070和5080, may choose to take one of the courses and study the material of the other for a re-test. This decision should be made based on the schedule of course offerings, 这样学位的完成就不会受到阻碍.

Approved by 音乐艺术学院 Graduate Committee 9/12/1988; updated 9/2022

这些考试使用远程监考进行管理, during which you may be required to briefly show your surroundings using your web camera (a “room scan”), 无论你选择在哪里参加考试. 通过选择在你的家庭/宿舍房间参加考试, you are consenting to a room scan of the area where you take the exam.

如果你不想拥有你的家, 宿舍的房间要接受房间扫描, you will need to arrange to take your exams at a local library or testing center at another educational institution. You will be required to complete the virtual room scan in the alternative location. It is your responsibility to identify an appropriate location to take your exams.

  • The room scan will only be visible to BGSU faculty or staff with a legitimate need to review the video. 其他学生将无法看到你的房间扫描图.
  • If you have or require testing accommodation, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services at access@bjqzgy.com or 419-372-8495
